By a Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research of June 1st 2016, nr. 351 and of August 31st 2020, nr. 584, diplomas awarded by Accademia GB Tiepolo have legal value and are recognized by the Ministry of University and Research.
University | High Artistic and Musical Education AFAM | |
According to Law nr. 508 of December 21st 1999, the Accademie di Belle Arti are part of the High Training and Artistic Specialization system (AFAM).
According to Law nr. 228, art.1, paragraphs from 102 to 107, of December 24th 2012, with the sole finality of participation to public competitions to access functional qualifications of public employment, where it is specifically requested, the equivalence of Diplomas issued by Accademie di Belle Arti is declared, as per Table A of the Decree by the President of the Republic of July 8th 2005, nr.212, as specified below:
All First Level Academic Diplomas (triennial – programmed) issued by Law nr. 508 of December 21st 1999, are equivalent to Bachelor degrees issued by Universities belonging to Class L-3 Figurative art disciplines , music, entertainment and fashion as per Ministerial Decree of March 16th 2007.
All Second Level Academic Diplomas issued by Law nr.508 of December 21st 1999 are equivalent to Master’s Degrees (Second Level)issued by universities of the Ministerial Decree of March 16th 20017 (Gazzetta Ufficiale nr. 155 of July 9th 2007) belonging to the following kinds of Master’s Degree:
Class LM-12 Design for Second Level Academic Diplomas issued by the School of “Artistic Design for Industry”:
• Product Design
• Fashion Design
Class LM-65 Sciences of entertainment and multimedia production for Second Level Academic Diplomas issued by “Stage Design Schools” and “New Art Technologies”:
• Scenography – Specializing in Cinema and TV
• Scenography – Specializing in Costumes for the shows
• Scenography – Specializing in Theatre
• Scenography – Specializing in Puppet Theatre
• New Art Technologies – Specializing in Multimedia Art for cinema and video
• New Art Technologies – Specializing in Multimedia interactive and performing art
• New Art Technologies – Specializing in Network Multimedia Art – Net Art
• New Art Technologies – Photography
Classe LM-89 Art history for diplomas issued by other Schools:
• Visual Art: Painting
• Visual Art: Sculpture
• Visual Art: Graphics
• Visual Art: Decoration • Visual Art : Theories and practice of artistic and therapeutic art
• Creative communication of cultural heritage – Specializing in Digital applications for cultural heritage
• Creative communication of cultural heritage – Specializing in Display communication
• Communication and art education – Specializing in Visual Cultures and curatorial practices
• Communication and art education – Specializing in Multimedia teaching
• Restoration of Contemporary Art
Four year Diplomas issued at the end of the forming courses of the previous system , together with a high school diploma, are equivalent to Second Level Academic Diplomas according to equivalence with classes of University Master’s degrees.
Five year Second Level Academic Diplomas in Restoration issued according to I.D. nr. 302 of December 30th 2010 as implemented by M.D. nr.81 of June 23rd 2011, are equivalent to a Master’s Degree LMR/02 pursuant to I.D. of march 2nd 2011 establishing it.
The above Academic Diplomas are qualifications valid for the profession of “Restorer of Cultural Heritage” according to the following Professionalizing Training Paths:
PFP1 – Stone materials and derivates . Decorated surfaces in architecture
PFP2 – Artifacts painted on textiles or wood. Wood carved artifacts. Furnishings and wood structures. Assembled and/or painted artifacts made with worked synthetic material.
PFP5 – Artifacts for books and archives – Paper and pergameneous artifacts – photographic, film and digital material