Graphic Design

First Degree Academic Diploma
Design Department and applied arts – DAPL06

  1. Corso
  2. Study plan
  3. Professors
  4. Scholarships

Study courses  for the Academic Diploma in Graphic Design for the Enterprise are aimed at reaching a proper  mastering of methods, artistic technique and specific planning skills, as well as use of the tools generally needed for communication, industrial design and design.

The educational objective of the course of study in Graphic Design is to insure, through theoretical and practical teaching, the necessary knowledge and expertise  to be able to plan, with methodological and technical know-how,  artifacts needed in the field of contemporary visual communication, and destined to private or public clients.

All activities, during courses, in the labs, during meetings with special guests, and workshops, will all lead, together with the final traineeship experience, to the best training for an immediate entrance into the world of work.


In professional  Graphic Design studios: editorial graphics, packaging, visual identity, multimedia communication, exhibit design.

In Graphic design offices inside of companies:  setting of print products  of internal and external communication.

In the Graphic Design department in the newsrooms: as artistic director in charge of layout.

In publishing houses: as responsible for planning  and for the image of an editorial line (such as, for instance,  book series and multimedia works).

In advertising agencies: as a consultant for coordination of a campaign or for specific  communication linked to corporate image (brand and its application).

First Year HOUR CFA
Discipline teoriche
ABST47 45 6
ABST47 45 6
ABPC67 30 4
ABAV6 45 6
ABST58 45 6
Discipline teorico-pratiche
ABPR16 75 6
ABTEC38 75 6
ABPR19 125 10
ABPR31 75 6
ABTEC39 50 4
Second year HOUR CFA
Discipline teoriche
ABPC65 45 6
ABLIN71 30 4
Discipline teorico-pratiche
ABTEC38 75 6
ABPR19 150 12
ABPR19 100 8
ABPR19 75 6
ABVPA64 75 6
ABAV2 75 6
ABTEC41 75 6
Discipline teoriche
ABST48 30 4
ABTEC37 45 6
Discipline teorico-pratiche
ABPR19 150 12
ABAV06 75 6
ABTEC43 100 8

Subject teaching and lab assistance are guaranteed by an academic staff with proven experience, achieved both in the academic and in the professional fields. During their course of study students will have at their full disposal last generation tools, that answer to the sector most innovative requirements.


The Accademia di Belle Arti GB Tiepolo offers  deserving students with an ISEE lower than 36.000 euro, enrolled in the first year of courses, the possibility to have a 1,200 euro scholarship as a reduction of their academic  fees through a ranking list published, within the month of October, on the official site. Economic requirements will be examined based on the student family’s  income and assets, keeping in mind the (ISEE), certificate of economic status for the 2019 solar year. Such certificate must be submitted within the terms indicated in the special section (Notices).

Benefits and Special Deals
Right to University Education – ARDISS

The Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education-ARDISS supports students with a  Regional Call for the assignation of benefits and for the provision of services for the right to university education: contributions for scholarships, international exchange, allocation of student accommodations and discounts for the university cafeteria.

Grants for scholarships are awarded to students attending all Universities legally located in Friuli Venezia Giulia and all AFAM Institutions. Students of the Accademia Tiepolo applying for scholarships may request further information at

 ARDISS Information in Udine

Viale Ungheria, 39/b – 33100 Udine
+39 0432 245772

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, there will be no admission test to ABA UD for the a.y. 2020/2021

Registration to the Graphic design for enterprise course, will be accepted to complete the programmed number of 60 seats.

For further information, please contact us in writing at:

or call us at:

0432 292256