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According to provisions  of decrees  regarding control and management of the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency and to new regional regulations, the  School Board decided to adopt distance teaching for some courses.

Starting from October 28th to November 20th 2020, ABA UD will make use of flexibility measures adopting distance teaching and having in its premises, at same time, no more than 40% of all students. Lab activities and research will be excluded from this quota.

The e-learning platform placed at disposal of all students by the Accademia di Belle Arti di Udine is:

Join a Zoom call from a Microsoft Teams Room - Audio Visual Centre

To gain access to the platform one must have its own institutional account (n.cognome@accademiatiepolo.it)

On-line lessons, unless otherwise decided by professors, will be held according to schedule, updated on 27/10/2020.

The list on-line active course has been published on www.accademiatiepolo.it  in the Schedule section and it gets constantly updated.