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Martina Casonato



Martina Casonato is a graphic designer specialized in Branding. She got her degree in Industrial Design at the IUAV in Venice and then worked at the Polystudio owned by Francesco Messina, and she furthered her study on Type Design at the Politecnico in Milan first and at the Typographic Summer School of New York later on. She has been residing in London since 2012, where she got a Master in Graphic Design at the London College of Communication. She furthered her experience inside several London Studios, working both in the cultural and commercial field on projects that went from publishing to type design, information design, exhibition design and so on. In 2016 she became part, as a senior designer, of the Harry Pearce a Pentagram team, mainly focusing on Packaging and Branding. Since 2019 she has been combining her collaboration with Pentagram with her own professional and didactic activity.