My name is Zeljka Djordjevic, I was born in Serbia, I got my degree in Computer Science at the Novi Sad University where I used to be a teacher. I have been teaching Computer Science for more than twenty years.
During my professional career I collaborated with a team of researchers ( area: medicine at the University of Belgrade). As far as computer science is concerned my interest is for system analysis and artificial intelligence. I have been a teacher in Italy for over 14 years. I started and I am still presently teaching computer science at the Centro studi Volta in Udine and I also started teaching at the ABA, in the same city, 4 years ago.
I always exercised my professional activity with enthusiasm, trying to convey to my students passion for this subject that is fundamental for the approach of young generations to the work market. I feel successful when I manage to transfer my knowledge to the students and it shows in their results.
I decided to teach because in my life I was lucky enough to know qualified professors that passed me down this passion for a job that has given me and is still giving me, a lot to be thankful for.