Curricular internship

  1. Career Support Services
  2. Contacts

Curricular internship is a training experience, aimed both at deepening of knowledge acquired during the educational path and the total completion of academic credits (ECTS), needed to obtain a First Level academic degree.

It is not a working relationship, but rather a training methodology needed for guidance and professional placement to help future professional choices thanks to direct experience.

ABA UD Placement Office coordinates collaboration activities and training projects between the institution and the world of work, placing at full disposal of all students registered in the 3rd year, stage offers and placements with public and private entities. Project organization and collaboration with companies allow students a direct contact with leading agencies in the design, graphics and painting sectors.

Career Support Services

The Placement Office offers students a constant support with a tutoring service both in Italy and abroad. In particular:

  • Acts as intermediate helping to match supply and demand;
  • Organizes and plans internships in Italy and abroad, also through the Erasmus+ scholarship program;
  • Helps job guidance organizing meetings to introduce companies, studios and other institutions.


Placement Office

Mon–Fri 9.00–18.00

Viale Ungheria, 22 – 33100 Udine
2nd floor

0432 292256