He was born on 3rd September, 1963 in Udine and he lives in Borc, a little town near Tagliamento River, with his three women in his life. Doctor in History with a graduation thesis on Medieval Latin Philology, he teaches Literature at Magrini Marchetti High School in Gemona. He is scientific advisor for the cultural event “In File” since 2009, while from 2011 he collaborates with Guarneriana Library in San Daniele as scientific consultant for the ancient section, manuscripts and rarest. He has published several essays and articles about Middle Age and his dreams. He visited and he is still exploring the most ancient conservation libraries in Italy and Europe for business and research purposes, loosing himself in the fascination of hidden monasteries. He started out in 2013 in narrative with novel “Balkan Circus” which was followed by works such as “Guarneriana segreta” (2015), “L’Osteria dei passi perduti” (2017), “La Veglia di Ljuba” (2018) e “Come papaveri Rossi” (2021). He is organizing a series of volumes about Friuli history for Newton Compton editor. He signed “La sensualità del libro” (2019) for Ediciclo and “Forum Officium Tenebrarum” (2020) for the university press “Forum”.