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Carlo Zoratti



Carlo Zoratti is a film director, a screenwriter and a producer. He filmed video clips, short films and he founded Pronti Al Peggio, web tv on independent Italian music. For ten years now he has been in charge of the creative aspect of singer Lorenzo Cherubini, aka Jovanotti, International tours. In 2013 he filmed The Special Need, his first feature film which made its debut at the 66th Festival del cinema of Locarno and he has been awarded prestigious prizes such as the SXSW audience award, the Leipzig Golden Dove and a nomination at the Italian Golden Globes and the Nastro D’Argento. In2015 he founded the Alpis production company where he is presently working in the animated series Wooden Mirror and he is writing his next feature film.
Carlo studied at Fabrica, the research centre for communication of the Benetton group, he worked for Widen+Kennedy Amsterdam, he attended International  cinema and  stage writing workshops such as the Torino Film Lab and CPH:LAB, from 2006 to 2015 he lived between Milan, Berlin and Amsterdam.
He taught a Video LAb class at IUAV in Venice and organized several  workshops on narration and concept at IED in Turin.