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Designer (University of Bolzano_2010), Art Therapist (Academy of Fine Arts of Brera_2013; University of Roehampton, Londra_2016), certified Psychologist (IUSVE Venice_ 2017; University of Trieste Trieste_2019), she attended the Specialization School of Jungian-Based Psychotherapy at C.I.P.A (Italian Center of Analytical Psychology) in Milan. She has always been looking at the social distress since her graduation thesis in Graphic Design (“The Childcatcher: children in the web”) aimed at the realization of a social campaign against child abuse approved and supported by the association “Bambini Ancora ONLUS” of Milan. This was followed by the project “Vasi Speziati”, made in collaboration with University of Pavia – Department of Behavioral Sciences on the subject of eating disorders presented at the conference “L’arte delle donne” (“The Art of Women” Pordenone_2013), under the High Patronage of President of The Republic. Her ten years’ professional experience was gained in many facilities both private (Cascina Rossago (PV), Libero Atelier_ Cologno Monzese (MZ), Terra di Hope _ Mira (VE)), and public (IC Erasmo da Rotterdam Cisliano (Milano) e ICS L. Einaudi e G. Pascoli_ Cusago (Milano) and in hospital facilities as well Ospedali Macedonio Melloni, Fatebenefratelli _ Milano, dell’Angelo _ Venezia-Mestre (VE), Santa Giuliana(VR).