First Level Master Diploma
Design Department and applied arts - DAPL06
The Master in Art Team Building of the Design Department and Applied Arts of ABA UD is the first academic master in Italy that analizes an Art-Oriented Team Building: a professional and transversal intervention that uses the creative tool to empower different types of groups, in work and sport, of study and research, in school and family, favoring the positive achievement of results and the well-being of people within the group.
Art Team Building treasures the artistic and shared experience as the cornerstone of an innovative, integrated and interdisciplinary training suitable for company and school structures, as well as in different training contexts that needs an integrated development of the person, the worker, the group and of the skills.
Because of it universality and versatility, Art Team Building is applicable to different types of groups, especially in education, training, sport and human resources context.
The Art Team Builder is a professional who has transversal and multidisciplinary skills and who is able to optimize the performance of different kinds of groups (work, research, sport and school) and to improve the perception of well-being of the person within the group, with positive repercussions on the group itself and on the achievements, using the artistic medium.
The Master aims to train specialists in Art Team Building, able to work in synergie with trainers, coaches and managers, in private and public institutions and in cultural and creative companies, proposing the artistic experience as a tool for a deeper knowledge of oneself and of the other, a good esteem of everyone’s abilities, an understanding of the potential of cooperation and a powerful tool for communication and training as well as for the developement of Creative Thinking and Lateral Thinking.
ABA UD Master in Art Team Building is designed to provide theoretical and practical insight into Art as a maieutic tool for self-awareness and developement of proactive social relationships. The Master is structured both for the treatment and acquisition of theoretical skills in the socio-psycho-pedagogical field and for the experimentation and deepening of practical workshops suitable for the context of Art Team Building (such as shared collage techniques, fairy tales, artist’s diary, portrait and self-portrait, photography).
The Master provides theoretical elements in basic areas such as Psychology of Art, Anthropology and Pedagogy of Art, Chromatology, History of Contemporary Art and Theory and perception of form, alongside practical activities and workshops in various artistic disciplines in the perspective of Art Team Building, with particular reference to Art Therapy experiences. Students will be accompanied in the experimentation of different artistic languages for maieutic and relational purpose in the fields of Painting, Drawing, Collage and Assemblage, Photography, Body Expression, Storytelling and Creative Writing.
The Master will deal with several specific topics related to Art Team Building and Art Therapeutics, including:
The Master provides, as an integral part of the Program, an internship of 300 hours, including supervision, which forms the basis for the final thesis, focused on the internship experience chosen by the student. The hours of frontal internship will allow, with the guidance of an academic tutor and an internal company tutor, the realization of an Art Team Building project, chosen and managed by the student or by a group of students, in one or more affiliated structures with the Academy or other structure chosen by the student, in Italy or abroad.
The 1st Level Master in Art Team Building is aimed at training artists specialized in Art Team Building and experts in the artistic-visual language, able to act in the group as facilitators of the relationship through the artistic medium and to offer a professional contribution, both artistic and relational.
Discipline teoriche | |||
ABAV6 | 22.5 | 3 | |
ABST47 | 22.5 | 3 | |
ABST55 | 22.5 | 3 | |
ABST58 | 22.5 | 3 | |
ABST58 | 22.5 | 3 | |
ABST59 | 22.5 | 3 | |
Discipline teorico-pratiche | |||
ABAV3 | 37.5 | 3 | |
ABAV6 | 37.5 | 3 | |
ABPC67 | 25 | 2 | |
ABPR17 | 12.5 | 1 | |
ABPR31 | 25 | 2 | |
ABST60 | 37.5 | 3 | |
ABST60 | 50 | 4 | |
150 | 12 | ||
Altro | |||
Stage/Tirocini | 150 | 12 |
Teaching and laboratory assistance are ensured by a teaching staff with proven experience, gained in both academic and professional fields. tudents are assisted along their training path and have the latest generation tools at their disposal, which respond to the most innovative needs of the sector.
Master coordinator: Fausto Deganutti
Didactic coordinator: Francesca Salcioli
The GB Tiepolo Academy of Fine Arts offers deserving students with an ISEE of less than 36,000 euros, enrolled in the 1st Level Master in Art Team Building, the possibility of obtaining 6 scholarships of 500 euros to reduce the academic fee. Economic requirements will be examined based on the student family’s income and assets, keeping in mind the (ISEE), certificate of economic status for the 2019 solar year. Such certificate must be submitted within the terms indicated in the special section (Notices).
The Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education-ARDISS supports students with a Regional Call for the assignation of benefits and for the provision of services for the right to university education: contributions for scholarships, international exchange, allocation of student accommodations and discounts for the university cafeteria.
Grants for scholarships are awarded to students attending all Universities legally located in Friuli Venezia Giulia and all AFAM Institutions. Students of the Accademia Tiepolo applying for scholarships may request further information at
Viale Ungheria, 39/b – 33100 Udine
+39 0432 245772
To join the 1st level Master in Art Team Building, a Bachelor’s Degree or a 1st level Academic Diploma is required. Admission is also allowed to undergraduates / graduates of 1st level courses, as long as they guarantee the achievement of the Bachelor’s Degree / 1st Level Diploma by the last useful session of the academic year 2021/2022 and taking all the exams required by their study plan by the deadline of the relative selection sessions.
The Master training is particularly appopriate for graduates from the artistic, graphic, humanistic, psychological and socio-pedagogical areas. The Master is open to candidates also coming from different study paths, interested in integrating the transversal practices of Art Team Building in their work as a manager, teacher, artist, psychologist and trainer, or in deepening Art Team Building as an indipendent discipline and profession.
Up to 5 auditors are allowed. Auditors are participants admitted to attend the Master who, even without the admission qualifications, have proven professional experience. Auditors only attend the courses without having to carry out an internship, they do not receive the final Master’s degree but, at the end of the course, the auditor who has fulfilled the minimum attendance requirement may be issued with a certificate of participation by the Director of the Academy.
For further informations, contact us sending an email to:
or calling us on the phone at the number:
0432 292256